
Blueberry Muffins

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On Sunday morning I wasn't feeling well so Tyler and I lounged in bed an extra hour and decided on these muffins for brunch. Actually, they were supposed to be for breakfast, but they took so long that they became "brunch." They were so delicious and I had one too many, so I didn't need to eat lunch anyway! I used this recipe from my friend and culinary genius, Sara. She writes a cooking blog called Breakfast in Bread. Go check it out!

A few helpful tips:
1. Use muffin/cupcake liners. They will make your life much easier.
2. Don't fill them with too much batter, or they will be HUGE. I always have a hard time with the whole 3/4 thing.
3. Wait until they're entirely cooled to store in an airtight container. Otherwise they'll become soggy. Oops.
4. Clear about an hour and a half from your schedule. Can you say time consuming?!

1 comment:

  1. These look so good. Everyone had been posting some awesome looking recipes lately!!


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