
Liebster Blog Award

I received The Liebster Blog Award from Ashley at Sincerely Miss Ash. Thank you!

What’s a Liebster Award you ask? Liebster is a German word meaning dearest, and the award is given to up-and-coming bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve some recognition and support to keep on blogging. It's also a great way to discover new blogs!

Here are the rules:
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter and link back to their blog.
2. Share 11 things about yourself and answer the questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 5 blogs that you enjoy to receive the award who have less than 200 followers, and provide them with questions to answer about themselves.
4. Inform them of their nomination by leaving a comment on their blog.

11 Things About Me...
1. I'm obsessed with my fur-babies, Bella & Bentley. They're my life!
2. My favorite colors are pink & blue, specifically fuchsia and mint.
3. I have a master's degree in professional writing and my dream job is a magazine editor. Or a personal shopper :-)
4. I'm not a morning person.
5. I could eat Mexican food every day of the week.
6. I was a cheerleader through high school & college, and miss it more than anything.
7. I fell in love with my husband on an Navajo Indian reservation in Arizona.
8. I've lived in Tennessee almost my entire life.
9. I'm horrible at keeping plants alive.
10. I get addicted to TV shows easily. Thank goodness for Netflix!
11. I grew up drinking Motts apple juice and still have a glass almost every day.

My Questions From Ashley:
  1. Do you have a day job and what is it? I'm a legal assistant at a civil defense firm. Quite ironic because my degrees are in English, and my husband's an attorney!
  2. What inspired you to start blogging? I've been reading fashion blogs for a couple years and always thought to myself, "I wish I could write a blog. That would be so much fun!" At the end of 2012, my husband starting encouraging me to start my own. His thoughts were since I am not in a position right now where I get to use my degrees, it would be a good idea to keep up my skills. Blogging is my place where I get to challenge myself, find inspiration (and hopefully pass on inspiration), meet new friends, and share some of myself with the world!
  3. What would be your tip for new bloggers? I've only been blogging for two months, so I definitely don't have it all figured out. A piece of advice I would give to new bloggers is to write about things you love. Don't become obsessed with your number of followers, stats, recognition, etc. that you forget why you began blogging in the first place. If you blog because you genuinely enjoy it and share what you're passionate about, that will make you shine more so than anything else.
  4. Facebook or Twitter? Instagram! But to choose one, I use Facebook more than Twitter.
  5. Do you workout and how often? Through high school and college, I didn't have to work out because I got my exercise at ball games and cheer practice. After college, I was like... "Wait. Now I actually have to go to the gym?" The truth is, I HATE working out. Sometimes I am motivated to work out consistently throughout the week, and sometimes I am just not... I guess I go through phases. I really wish I was one of those people who actually enjoy it. I need a personal trainer to tell me exactly what to do and yell at me until I do it. 
  6. What is the craziest thing you have ever done? When I moved to Memphis to be with my boyfriend (now husband) and to attend graduate school. Two things I never thought I would do: live in Memphis and go to grad school. Both elicited fear and anxiety initially, but God had a plan! 
  7. One thing you would like to do before you die? Visit Australia. That's always been at the top of my bucket list.
  8. If you had to choose just one beauty product what would it be and why? Lip treatments. Lipstick tends to dry my lips out and the cold weather has only made it worse recently. Even if the rest of my face is makeup-less, I think it's much prettier with soft lips. I'm obsessed with Fresh's Sugar Lip Treatment!
  9. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why? Well, I've never traveled outside of the United States (except for our honeymoon to the Dominican Republic and that's not a place I'd want to live) so I can't say that I'd rather live anywhere else. I'd love to travel the world and visit other countries, but I think I'll stay put in the U.S. As for the region, I couldn't leave my southern roots! It'd be awesome to live in Southern Cal's climate, but I'd miss the South for sure. I'd be happy in the burbs of Atlanta or Charleston, but I'm hoping to settle in Knoxville close to our family and friends.
  10. Lipstick or lip gloss? Lipstick, definitely! I'm addicted to MAC's lipstick.
  11. If you could be any celebrity who would it be and why? Jessica Biel. Think about it.

My Questions For My Nominees:

1. Spring or Fall?
2. Tell us the best book you've read recently.
3. What's your #1 pet peeve?
4. What's your favorite color palette?
5. Name your best childhood memory.
6. Are you a dog person or a cat person?
7. If you had to live in a decade other than the current one, which would you choose and why?
8. Do you prefer Chicago deep dish or New York style pizza?
9. What's your favorite thing about fashion?
10. What/who inspired you to start blogging?
11. If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why?

And my nominees are.......

A Spoonful of Style
Sequins and Polka Dots
Parties and Cardis
aBree Fashion
High Heels and High Notes 

Go check them out!


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