
No-Reply Commenters + Weekend Plans

What I love: receiving comments from readers! It truly makes me happy to know that people read and enjoy my blog, and I always try to respond and thank you for sharing your thoughts.

What I don't love: not being able to reply to comments and connect with readers. To those who comment and don't receive responses, this is what it looks like when I try to respond:

Emily, from Newlywed Moments, recently wrote about "no-reply comment bloggers" and offered step-by-step instructions on how to fix it. Please take a few minutes to check your profile and see if you're a no-reply commenter, because I would love to chat with you!

Happy Friday! What does everyone have planned for the weekend? I'm covering Memphis Fashion Weekend tonight, spending Saturday morning at the first Farmer's Market of the year, and double dating with Will and Courtney Sunday night! After rain for weeks on end, I'm so excited this weekend is supposed to be 70's and sunny. I know our furry kids will be excited, too, because warm weather + sunshine = long walks :)

Have a great weekend!

*Don't forget to enter here to win $700 in gift cards to J. Crew, Target, and Sephora!


  1. Thanks Amanda! We are in the process of updating our comments section as well. Right now it's not so user friendly :(

    Have a good weekend!

    xo Jackie

  2. Sometimes I get the BEST comments from noreply comment bloggers. Makes me so sad that I can't respond!

  3. I totally agree, they are the worst and they are are always the nicest comments!

    Sparkles and Shoes


Your comments make my day! Thanks so much for reading!

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